Tucker and Cooper are my little brothers. They are cool {to me}. Finally.
Tucker is 18 (almost 19) and in his first year of college. He was involved in baseball until his sophomore year of high school and particpated in FFA (Future Farmers of America) all four years. When he was little, the only thing that mattered to him was his blue satin blanket and his cowboy boots. He was adorable. I know most people say their little siblings were adorable because that's what families say about their family. But when I say adorable, Tuck was a-dor-a-ble. He was still losing his baby fat when he entered high school, but baseball and girls quickly changed his workout habits. He is now a studly built 5'10". He was pretty closed up and unemotional all through high school. He did somethings he should not have done, but then again everyone goes through that at one point or another. He's really changed over the last year though. This kid who wouldn't even consider hugging his own mother, now voluntarily give them to all of us girls in the Redfern clan. God has really started to mold him into the Tucker we use to know and love. PTL.
Cooper, ha, oh Cooper. He is 13 (almost 14) .....GEEZ, I am old balls. He is getting into football and wrestling winning his first match in a off-season tourney a few weeks ago. He is thriving in school, life, and sports. He is a gamer 24/7 though. You can find his friends and he cooped up somewhere, eyes locked on their screens. Yet, the thing I admire most about my brother is his faith. He knows God and shows His love daily. I don't know how he turned out that way (well, I do but I don't, ya know?), but it's amazing to see him grow and develop that oh-so-important bond. He is such a smart and determined boy...man..young man? whatever he is, I am so proud to call him my brother in life and in Christ.
But he's already made it plain to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself seriously-- take God seriously. Micah 6:8