Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dumpster Noses and Stuffed Diving...wait..

That's how most of my week has been. Confused and backwards. Now, don't get me wrong, sharing is a very important part of sisterhood, but not when it comes to illnesses. Me, being the loving sister I am, asked Madge to come stay the night with me last weekend when I knew she was bored to tears but couldn't do anything because she'd been sick all week. I think she breathed the last of her nasty germs throughout my humble abode. I wasn't too bad until the baseball game in the cold and windy weather Tuesday night...but then again that was totally worth getting sick for.
Anywho, I have 3 papers, 1 make-up quiz, and a video project looming over my head on top of all the snotty mess. UGH! No fun. Thankfully, our top employee has agreed to come relieve me so I can rest and get some work done this afternoon.

House Update: I have the name and place where the house is being managed. Get this. I called last week to find out more information and the place it's being managed has been disconnected. Yet another dead end.

I cannot wait until this semester is OVER! It will be bittersweet with it being my last at Drury, but at the same time I am so over this schedule! 6 more weeks! Freedom! I will be enjoying my summer fully this time around. I never really appreciated my summers, but after this semester I think I will. Definitely.

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you." -Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

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