Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

First of all, HAPPY CINCO de MAYO! Wahoo! We had the best day at the shop :) ...lots of people who have never been in are coming in and seeing the store for the first time. ANND it's during an event which is awesome because everything is super clean and fresh!

Second of all, weirdest day EVER. Wow. Ok, so to start the day off I was doing really well. Made my bed (which if you know me, then you know my room's a mess and bed is never made..not anymore!), went to the gym with Katelyn, and made it back in one piece. THAT is where it all went downhill.

I went to the wrong class, in the wrong building, on the wrong floor...and when I walked in the correct class everyone knew what had happened...very embarrassing. BUT we did nothing in class...no writing, no assignments, no talking about the book, nothing! So that was cool.

Mom shattered the margarita machine last night :( I told her I didn't think I could talk to her anymore that night. Then she sliced her pinky open so I felt bad and forgave her. She forgot to send out Cinco emails and forgot to have signs made. And was having a little bad luck spell to say the least. So after my class, I offered to bring her and Emily lunch at Baglady. Walked in Planet Sub to pick up their order. No wallet. Thankfully, the guy let me verbally tell him my CC# so that worked out. BUT it took them 20 freakin minutes to make 3 sandwiches. Now, my class got out at 10:50 and I took National to the half-way point to Republic where I picked up the sandwiches leaving at 11:30 and still needing to drive to the other side of town and then back again for a class at 12. Needless to say I was 10 minutes late to it.

Oh no, I'm still not done.

I get to Shewmaker and sit down to frantically study for this next test when I get a text from my friend saying it was an oral exam the whole class gets to take together...I should have seen that coming considering we ALWAYS have open note exams. So we're all sitting and chatting downstairs waiting for class and this little girl walks up. She chats with us for a bit and then we all get up to go to class. She follows us and promptly sits upfront and tells the prof SHE wanted to take this quiz we had been telling her about. He told her she didn't want to and she probably wanted to leave because someone was getting ready to get in trouble. Hold the phone. WHAT?
When she leaves, he proceeded to "let us have it." We were all sooo confused! We had no idea what he was talking about, and I still don't know what was wrong. My brain hurt so bad after leaving that class today.

Oh, and one of my finals was canceled today. Wahoo! So I have a quiz Thursday, paper due next Thursday and Final and then Friday my last paper!! So 1 and 1/2 weeks and HELLO SUMMER :)

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