Friday, April 2, 2010

It's a fading trend, I know...

So, like I was saying in my last post: CREATIVITY OVERLOAD!!

No worries, I took care of it yesterday.

I know the flower headbands have been around for awhile now. You know the ones, and you either love 'em or hate 'em. Me? Love 'em. Don't judge.

Anyway, I found a pattern and just started playing with my lucious fabric I had purchased the day prior for practically nothing. I ended up with two headbands.....
Love this pasiley fabric...lovee it.

My second attempt turned out quite well, I must say. It's green and pink satin with a vintage button in the center. I was nervous working with the satin, but it did really well considering.

All you need to make these flowers is:
-6 3.5 inch squares of fabric

Seriously, it's that easy and super cute how ever you end up using them (picture frames, headbands, t-shirts, etc.).

I started on my second project, but can't post pictures of it because it's a gift for my pregnant cousin due in November. I'm crossing my fingers the little guy comes on Halloween ;)...whoops, I mean little one. They won't know until June what she is having and are revealing it at a party June 18th....sooo excited to have a baby in the family again!

With Easter being this weekend, I was asked to make an Easter treat for Sunday lunch with the family. I will be making the best strawberry puffed cupcakes with all the trimmings! I was so made to be domestic. Why can't that be my major?
