Sunday, April 12, 2009

Once again...

I find myself waiting until the last minute to write a paper. This time around I had every intention of starting sooner, and kinda did. I read the entire section...and then figured out it was the wrong one. Figures. Then I took off work last night early to finish and get a good start on the introduction, but my friend had asked me to come to a concert with her and I knew it would be a good study break so I agreed...That's when all hell broke loose and another one of my friend's whole world came falling down. Her boyfriend of 3 years walked out with no warning. Slapped her in the face (figuratively speaking) and made her doubt everything. I felt bad for her, but she is such a strong person that I know she is going to be alright, especially since not even 5 minutes into the conversation she said she was at peace with the decision...she just needs closure. So I spent the night with her and made sure she was alright.

Now, it's almost 1pm....19 hours away from the deadline. It's doable, but I am just so not in the mood. 5 WEEKS!

Gold Star Items of the Week:
I am making a lot of new friends at MSU and I love them! They are all so fun, and I know will be people I can ask to help me out on campus next fall.

I am dominating Baglady's website and we are looking to add our shopping cart by May 16!!

I am no where further with Hampton House, but it's still not been bought :)

I love my family. A lot. I am truly blessed :)

We went to Second Baptist today as a whole family for the first time and I loved being in church with them. It was a good feeling. We sang a few old hymns I remember from my childhood going to my grandma's church in Oklahoma. Here's part of a verse of one of my favorites. I tried to find a youtube video to post with it, but I couldn't find a good sound bite of it...maybe I will stumble across one.

"Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives."

Happy Easter!!

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